
Rising Cyberattacks on Utilities: The EPA’s Call to Action

Amid the increasing demands on the U.S. water supply, discover how Simetric is at the forefront of ensuring the resilience and operational integrity of utility infrastructures. Explore our insights on navigating these challenges with cutting-edge solutions. 

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently released a report highlighting the alarming rise in cyberattacks on utilities and the pressing need for enhanced security measures. With over a billion IoT and edge networking devices embedded in electrical and water utilities, staying ahead of these challenges is daunting. This threat extends beyond the US, presenting a global challenge.

Historically, IoT has been fragmented across various device vendors and competing carrier platforms, creating a vulnerable technical landscape. To combat this, Simetric is observing utilities worldwide undertaking extensive networking efforts and strengthening relationships with key connectivity service providers. These are not hasty “rip and replace” operational and technology efforts but rather controlled networking migration initiatives that combine managed network-as-a-service with crucial internal efforts.

The proactive measures in the utilities sector mirror what is happening across all industries deploying IoT devices. The Simetric single-pane-of-glass platform, with its empowering workflow, is an essential additive security posture in addressing cybersecurity threats and enabler for leveraging advanced distributed networking ecosystems powered by gen-AI and 5G.

Key Features of the Simetric Platform:

  • Unified SIM and Device Management Across Carriers (Physical & eSIM): Ensures seamless integration and management across different carrier networks (cellular and satellite).
  • Real-Time Visibility for Enhanced Controls and Security Postures: Offers real-time monitoring and control to enhance security measures.
  • Traffic Prioritization: Optimizes network traffic to ensure critical operations receive priority.
  • Prescriptive and Predictive Analytics: Insights that can define actions to tailure performance down to individual devices and in support of customers and municipalities.
  • Certified Platform Integration into ServiceNow: Elevates device lifecycle management and unified workflow across areas liketicketing, and asset management across IT operations, field services, and procurement-to-retire to create the greatest IT observability controls in the industry
  • Fixed IP Asset Management and Scalable Alternatives: Provides robust solutions for managing fixed IP assets and scalable networking alternatives.

These capabilities not only improve operational processes that make existing IoT ecosystems more productive and secure but also establish the working blueprint for how devices and networking strategies will evolve leveraging more intelligent and powerful distributed device technologies. Now utilities can significantly boost their efficiency and security with a platform that will unify controls that will aid in harvesting legacy technical debt in parallel with creating the exact details for how they evolve with the needs of the industry and their customers.

A multi-awarded leader in the IoT industry, Simetric is purpose-built to play a pivotal role in ensuring the safety and reliability of services that millions of Americans depend on every day. The proactive approach adopted by Simetric signifies a robust step forward in safeguarding our critical infrastructure.

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