
A CTO Perspective: Comprehensive data management across carriers

Regardless of the type or model of connected device, it is clear that data management is the engine driving modern technological progress. The only way to take advantage of the promise of IoT is to turn a world of fragmented, independent IoT into a synchronized and efficient army that can automate business processes. To do this we must harness and interpret data from each and every piece of connected tech related to business processes, including and especially, downstream devices.

Downstream device management

A key feature to look for in a global connected device data management tool is centralized asset lifecycle management for all SIMs, including downstream channel devices. Centralizing data from owned connected devices is very helpful, but your access should also extend to the various layers of connected devices under your control. With a comprehensive downstream view of all data and the ability to identify anomalies and automate business processes, your company now has ultimate control to streamline a large number of time-consuming manual processes such as changes in rate plans, activation and deactivation based on different dimensions of data – Customer Segment, Geography, Department, Downline End Customers and more.

Custom queries for use cases across SIMs and carriers

Now that downstream data is available for every SIM in your purview, you have access to a wealth of information that can be leveraged to automate. Not only does this create greater operational efficiency within the organization, it can save tens of thousands of dollars in superfluous charges related to specific use instances that can be specifically identified and controlled for in broad or specific scale. For example, a Simetric customer was able to identify and bulk deactivate 40,000 devices that they were still paying for but not being used.  By uncovering this, the company saved $4.2M!  Other specific use cases that have been identified and automated include partial month activation, caps on plan changes, roaming and carrier-specific requirements, each providing compounded efficiency and savings. This type of insight and action opens a new world of business process efficiency that extends beyond your own organization. Businesses of any size can greatly benefit from a connected device data management tool, but those that manage multiple layers of connected users have even more to gain.

Intelligent blending of old and new technology

One last thought on the power of data management is around the idea of device obsolescence. Past experiences have informed us that hardware upgrades must be large scale and require retirement of old technology in order to move forward. Simetric not only creates all these efficiencies for existing IoT deployments, but it bridges that same productivity for new IoT deployments. We can be a bridge for customers wanting to bring legacy or existing IoT deployments. This means that, with the right tools, companies can upgrade technology quickly and painlessly.

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